Floating pneumatic Yokohama fenders can be easily handled and installed with guy-rope or guy-chain because of their lightweight. It can resist the shearing force and maintain energy absorption level under inclined compression up to 15 degrees. Meanwhile, provide low and comparatively even hull pressure.
There are two common types our Pneumatic Yokohama Fenders.
■ Type I — Net Type Covered with a chain net, wire net, or fiber net for small-size fenders
■ Type II — Sling Type This type of Yokohama fender has a lifting device on each end, which shall be connected with a guy chain or guy-rope. Without a protection net, easy to handle with lightweight)
Yokohama Fender’s Protection Net Type
Net-type Yokohama fenders (TypeⅠ) are covered with a chain net, wire net, or fiber net. Each end of longitudinal chains, wires, or fibers is linked together with one or two ring(s), which shall be connected with a guy chain or guy-rope. Usually, these nets have used tires together with rubber sleeves for additional protection to the fender body, except for fiber net which has only rubber sleeves. Chain nets last longer against corrosion, while wire nets are light and more easily repaired.

Our company developed several types of hanging rings. Our pneumatic Yokohama fenders can rotate freely with any type of handing ring. We also can make and supply special customized hanging rings.